How to increase cyber resilience

Making your organization’s attack surface lean and agile improves your cyber resilience and demotivates bad actors. The first step to avoid cyber attacks is to get your attack surface in order. The Sweepatic External Attack Surface Management (EASM) Platform is built to help you with building cyber resilience. It lists, structures and prioritizes observations by criticality.
Phishing works
More than 67% of incidents feature advanced reconnaissance followed with phishing
Lacking discovery
Organizations are fully responsible in addressing risk, including discovering their cloud footprint
Sensitive leaks
Over 70% of published documents still contain metadata with sensitive information
Attack surface hygiene
1. Map all internet-facing assets and check them regularly
Reconnaissance is the first step in the attack planning of cyber criminals. Every organization should fully understand their digital footprint. It is important to have an up-to-date and real-life view on running hosts and how they are configured, which web applications are online, what sensitive documents are exposed in the cloud, etc.

2. Embrace automation
Leave complex data collection and processing to bespoke solutions that can scale across your entire business line including 3rd parties. With automation in place, your teams can focus on other, important tasks and help the organization become more resilient.
3. Update IT and remove what no longer has any business justification
Digitalization is omnipresent. Follow up and monitor this digital transformation in your organization from the start. Control your 3rd parties supporting your line of business. Don’t leave unknown and unnecessary assets lingering around online. Clean up and update your attack surface systematically.

We need a new way to tackle cyber risk
More automation
We want to make the work of the IT security teams easier. We enable them by ensuring their valuable time is used for actively eliminating vulnerabilities instead of manually processing information about assets and threats. Automation will make their job more effective and efficient.
Better understanding
Having a clear path to become an unattractive target for cyber criminals is key. A continuous and actual view on the attack surface is essential to keep it in order. In the end, “What you know, you can protect”.
Less complexity
As companies become ever more digital, attack surfaces are large and complex. Moreover, they grow very rapidly and evolve continuously. By indicating clear remediations, complexity – and thus time, money and risk – can be reduced significantly.
Increase your Cyber Resilience with External Attack Surface Management
If you want to bring your cyber resilience to the next level, reach out and get a free demo of our Sweepatic EASM platform.