Everything you need to know about the LummaC2 stealer: Leveraging IDA Python and Unicorn to deobfuscate Windows API hashing
In this blog post, the KrakenLabs team will take a deep dive into a malware sample classified as LummaC2, an information stealer written in C language that has been sold in underground forums since December 2022. We assess LummaC2’s primary workflow, its different obfuscation techniques (like Windows API hashing and encoded strings) and how to overcome them to effectively analyze the malware with ease. We will also analyze how networking communications with the C2 work and summarize LummaC2’s MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques and Common Knowledge.
There is a huge spike in the popularity and use of information-stealing malware in underground markets. With more stealing capabilities, simplified administration, and ability to remain undetected, stealers are available to anyone with basic computer knowledge. This is evident in the price evolution of different stealer malware families from 2018-2022. In a recent report, Outpost24’s Threat Intelligence team, KrakenLabs, revealed a change in the pricing model with more bad actors offering subscription-based access to their malware, instead of a single payment model.
In this blog post, the KrakenLabs team will take a deep dive into a malware sample classified as LummaC2, an information stealer written in C language that has been sold in underground forums since December 2022. We assess LummaC2’s primary workflow, its different obfuscation techniques (like Windows API hashing and encoded strings) and how to overcome them to effectively analyze the malware with ease. We will also analyze how networking communications with the C2 work and summarize LummaC2’s MITRE Adversarial Tactics, Techniques and Common Knowledge.
This malware family is an evolution of its predecessor LummaC, developed by the same threat actor, and sold since August 2022 on underground forums.
New stealer for sale: LummaC2
The information stealer is offered for sale in several underground forums and via the official shop lumma[.]site by the threat actor “Shamel” using the alias “Lumma”, who is also responsible for the sales of the 7.62mm stealer. Outpost24 KrakenLabs analysts have also found advertisements in other forums by the alias “LummaStealer”, which is presumably a reseller of the stealer.

As we will see in detail later, this malware targets crypto wallets, browser extensions, two-factor authentication (2FA) and steals sensitive information from the victim’s machine.
LummaC2 is offered at the following prices depending on the features offered:
- Experienced US$250;
- Professional US$500;
- Corporate account US$1,000.
An earlier version of the website seen in a screenshot on Cyble’s article indicates that it was also possible to purchase the stealer and panel source code for a price of US$20,000.
The purchase of the stealer can be processed through the well-known cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase from a wide range of cryptocurrencies to choose from.

Deobfuscating LummaC2
LummaC2 Windows API call Obfuscation
LummaC2 makes use of API hashing, which is a common technique seen in malware in order to hide their functionality from tools relying on static information and to obfuscate the code, which makes it harder for an analyst to understand what the malware does.
The following picture shows an example of how Windows API calls are performed:

The malware executes a function that receives a DLL name string in EDX register(e.g “ntdll.dll”) and an input hash (in ECX register). This function internally resolves kernel32!LoadLibraryA to load the desired .dll (in this case “ntdll.dll”) and proceeds to parse its Export Table. It hashes each export name until it finds one that matches the input hash. This way it is able to resolve any Windows API Call, saving the address found in EAX register as a result. Then a call eax instruction will finally execute the desired Windows API call.

The hashing algorithm that LummaC2 uses to resolve Windows API calls is MurmurHash2 with 32 as seed value.

Defeating LummaC2 Windows API call Obfuscation
The following lines are aimed at removing the call obfuscation scheme for LummaC2 now that we know how it resolves Windows API calls. The idea is to automatically resolve all Windows API calls used in the code so that we have a better picture of the malware capabilities without the need of debugging and entering in every single path the malware can take to resolve all its possible calls.
To do so, we will generate a dictionary containing all the Windows API calls from a given set of Windows .dll files and their respective MurmurHash2. With this dictionary, we can then get every hash sent to the function resolving Windows Api calls and figure out which function is being resolved.
Preparing Windows API call hash dictionary
We could try and find a public implementation or MurmurHash2 but it is possible that the algorithm the malware uses may be altered in the future so that the standard implementation does not work. For this reason, another good approach is to use Unicorn, as it allows us to emulate the exact instructions that the malware executes.
The hashing routine is a “standalone” routine that we can extract easily from the binary and does not have any calls or jumps to other locations apart from the hashing routine itself. Which means we can run this shellcode in an emulated environment without previous patching to ensure everything is linked properly (with the exception of the last “return” instruction, which we should ignore for the emulation).
In this scenario, the malware hashing algorithm expects to have the string with the Windows API call in ECX register and the result hash (which we will read) is finally stored in EAX register.

As we now have all the data we need to emulate the binary, the last step for this part is to build the emulation environment for our code to run on. To accomplish this, we will use the open-source Unicorn Engine.
The first thing we want to do is initializing Unicorn for the architecture we want to emulate (x86 architecture), and map some memory to use. Next, we will write our shellcode to our memory space and initialize ECX pointing to our Export Name string. With all this in place, we are ready to run emulation and read the resulting hash in EAX register afterwards.
The following Python function uses Unicorn to emulate the hashing algorithm LummaC2 uses to resolve Windows API Calls:
import unicorn
def emulate_murmurhash2(data, seed=32):
code = "\x56\x57\x8B\xF9\x8B\xD7\x8D\x4A\x01\x8A\x02\x42\x84\xC0\x75\xF9\x2B\xD1\x8B\xF2\x83\xF6\x20\x83\xFA\x04\x7C\x4D\x53\x8B\xDA\xC1\xEB\x02\x6B\xC3\xFC\x03\xD0\x0F\xB6\x4F\x03\x0F\xB6\x47\x02\xC1\xE1\x08\x0B\xC8\x69\xF6\x95\xE9\xD1\x5B\x0F\xB6\x47\x01\xC1\xE1\x08\x0B\xC8\x0F\xB6\x07\xC1\xE1\x08\x83\xC7\x04\x0B\xC8\x69\xC9\x95\xE9\xD1\x5B\x8B\xC1\xC1\xE8\x18\x33\xC1\x69\xC8\x95\xE9\xD1\x5B\x33\xF1\x83\xEB\x01\x75\xBF\x5B\x83\xEA\x01\x74\x1C\x83\xEA\x01\x74\x0E\x83\xEA\x01\x75\x1D\x0F\xB6\x47\x02\xC1\xE0\x10\x33\xF0\x0F\xB6\x47\x01\xC1\xE0\x08\x33\xF0\x0F\xB6\x07\x33\xC6\x69\xF0\x95\xE9\xD1\x5B\x8B\xC6\xC1\xE8\x0D\x33\xC6\x69\xC8\x95\xE9\xD1\x5B\x5F\x5E\x8B\xC1\xC1\xE8\x0F\x33\xC1"
CODE_OFFSET = 0x1000000
mu = unicorn.Uc(unicorn.UC_ARCH_X86, unicorn.UC_MODE_32)
mu.mem_map(CODE_OFFSET, 4*1024*1024)
mu.mem_write(CODE_OFFSET, code)
libname = 0x7000000
mu.mem_map(libname, 4*1024*1024)
mu.mem_write(libname, data)
stack_base = 0x00300000
stack_size = 0x00100000
mu.mem_map(stack_base, stack_size)
mu.mem_write(stack_base, b"\x00" * stack_size)
mu.reg_write(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_ESP, stack_base + 0x800)
mu.reg_write(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_EBP, stack_base + 0x1000)
mu.reg_write(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_ECX, libname)
mu.emu_start(CODE_OFFSET, CODE_OFFSET + len(code))
result = mu.reg_read(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_EAX)
return result
We can now easily write a script to walk through files inside a directory where we have Windows .dlls and, for each .dll, parse its Exports and calculate its MurmurHash2 using the previous function. This could be an example of the implementation using pefile:
import pefile
def dump_hash_dlls():
This function uses pefile to get the export names from .dlls and apply the hashing
algorithm to them.
dlls_dir = 'dlls/' # Directory where we have Windows .DLL files
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(dlls_dir):
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith('.dll'):
pe = pefile.PE('{}'.format(dlls_dir+filename))
for exp in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols:
export_name = exp.name
if not export_name:
# "Ignoring export without name..."
export_hash = emulate_murmurhash2(export_name)
except Exception as err:
print 'Exception occurred while emulating murmurhash2 with export_name: {}. Error: {} '.format(export_name, err)
The results can then be saved as we prefer. In this case, we need a Python dictionary that we can use in IDA Python script when analyzing the malware. We can save the result dictionary in a .json file like the following one:
"1002323769": "kernel32_MoveFileTransactedA",
"1002333354": "ntdll_ZwSetTimer",
"1003390208": "ntdll_memmove_s",
"1003407985": "advapi32_LsaDelete",
"1004879971": "ntdll_NtReadOnlyEnlistment",
"100560003": "kernel32_GetThreadId",
"1006629348": "kernel32_ReadConsoleOutputW",
"1007338292": "kernel32_GetProcessPreferredUILanguages",
"1007695856": "user32_GetClassInfoExW",
"1008342899": "shell32_SHCreateStdEnumFmtEtc",
"1008627276": "advapi32_QueryTraceW",
"1008723271": "ntdll_NtDisableLastKnownGood",
"1009340263": "advapi32_RegSaveKeyW",
"1009496315": "kernel32_FlushViewOfFile",
"1009939290": "shlwapi_PathFindSuffixArrayW",
"101018728": "ntdll_ZwOpenTransactionManager",
"1010305366": "user32_SetWindowLongA",
"1010398495": "shlwapi_PathUnExpandEnvStringsW",
"101074275": "kernel32_EnumDateFormatsExW",
"1011639982": "user32_AppendMenuA",
"1012134009": "user32_CharToOemBuffW",
"1012436811": "ntdll_NtCreateNamedPipeFile",
"1013083577": "shell32_ShellExec_RunDLL",
"1014808818": "ntdll_NtUnmapViewOfSection",
"1016118817": "ntdll_NtQueryInformationThread",
"1017169715": "shell32_ILCloneFirst",
"1017424400": "user32_ReleaseCapture",
Resolving obfuscated Windows API calls
Now that we have all the possible exports that the malware may use, it is time to create an IDA Python script to help us reverse engineer LummaC2.
This script is going to be divided in 2 parts. From one side, we are going to resolve every Windows API call (checking the hash set in ECX against our big dictionary) and create an IDA comment staying the final Windows API call being made. In the end, we will execute another script while debugging LummaC2 to patch all these calls.
This will help us to easily understand how the malware operates and its capabilities to ease reverse engineering without the need of debugging and executing every possible path the malware can take.
The first thing to do is to place our .json file (the one with the big Python dictionary storing all the Windows API calls and respective hashes) in our analysis VMs where IDA Python script is going to be executed. Then the script must be able to read and save its contents for further analysis:
import json
hashes_dict = {}
def setup(hashes_dict_file):
global hashes_dict
with open(hashes_dict_file, 'rb') as fd:
hashes_dict = json.load(fd)
except Exception as err:
print 'Error while readning hashes dict. file: {}'.format(err)
Now that we have our dictionary ready. Let’s examine the different patterns that are used when resolving a Windows API call. We know that ECX register must have the hash, but this can be achieved in the code through different ways:

As we can see, in the end ECX always contains the hash to be resolved. However, the instruction that sets the specified hash can move it into a different register before being in ECX. The last two patterns use EDI and ESI registers respectively.
With this information, we should be able to go through all cross references to the call “ResolveApiByHash”, retrieve the hash being used and resolve the Windows API call using our big hash dictionary. The following Python function implements this. It only expects to receive the address of the call “ResolveApiByHash” as its only argument.
import idautils
import idc
def resolve_all_APIs(resolve_ea):
patches = []
total_apis_found = 0
total_apis_resolved = 0
global hashes_dict
if resolve_ea is None:
print('[!] Resolve failed.')
for ref in idautils.CodeRefsTo(resolve_ea, 1):
total_apis_found += 1
curr_ea = ref
API_hash = 0
for _ in range(30): # Search maximum the last 30 instructions before the call to ResolveApiByHash
prev_instruction_ea = idc.PrevHead(curr_ea)
instruction = idc.GetDisasm(prev_instruction_ea)
# Possible scenarios
.text:0040214B B9 73 10 FF E8 mov ecx, 0E8FF1073h
.text:00402150 E8 7E 61 00 00 call ResolveApiByHashWrapper
.text:004074F6 BF 29 A1 D3 5F mov edi, 5FD3A129h
.text:004074FB BA C8 4B 42 00 mov edx, offset aWininet_dll ; "wininet.dll"
.text:00407500 8B CF mov ecx, edi
.text:00407502 E8 CC 0D 00 00 call ResolveApiByHashWrapper
.text:00407D8C BE 30 E2 95 3D mov esi, 3D95E230h
.text:00407D91 8B D3 mov edx, ebx
.text:00407D93 6A 00 push 0
.text:00407D95 8B CE mov ecx, esi
.text:00407D97 E8 37 05 00 00 call ResolveApiByHashWrapper
instruction_cut = instruction.replace(' ', '')
if 'movecx' in instruction_cut or 'movedi' in instruction_cut or 'movesi' in instruction_cut:
API_hash = idc.GetOperandValue(prev_instruction_ea, 1)
if API_hash < 0x10:
# Avoid intermediate movs, when the target is in edi (e.g mov ecx, edi)
curr_ea = prev_instruction_ea
API_hash_idx = str(API_hash)
if API_hash_idx in hashes_dict:
print('API hash: {} {} {}'.format(hex(prev_instruction_ea), hex(API_hash), hashes_dict[API_hash_idx]))
apicall = hashes_dict[API_hash_idx].split('_')[-1] # "kernel32_AddAtomA" -> "AddAtomA"
idc.MakeComm(ref, apicall)
patch_info = (ref, hashes_dict[API_hash_idx])
total_apis_resolved += 1
print("Hash not found!")
curr_ea = prev_instruction_ea
print('Total APIs found: {} Total APIs resolved: {}'.format(total_apis_found, total_apis_resolved))
return patches
setup("c:\murmurhash2_hashes_dict.json") # Big Python dict. With hashes and export names
patches = resolve_all_APIs(0x004082D3) # Use address of “ResolveApiByHash”
The return value is a list of tuples (addr, apicall) that we will use later to patch the binary. After executing the script, we can see how now we have comments for every Windows API call resolution and have a better understanding of what the malware can do. We can also use xref view to quickly see all the Windows API calls (with their resolved name as a comment) the malware can use.

Patching the binary and removing obfuscation
The last part of this script would allow us to patch the binary to remove all of LummaC2 Windows API call obfuscation. This way we can focus only in the relevant instructions and help IDA decompiler to easily recognize the arguments that are being passed to these functions.
With the current implementation, we can easily see which Windows API calls are being used (as we have comments in every call that resolves a function). However, we still have many unnecessary instructions in the code, and the call is still being done with the instruction “call eax”, which does not help us much with analysis, cross-referencing, etc.
The goal of the following Python function for IDA is to patch the “call ResolveApiByHash” for the real Windows API call that is going to be called after resolution. From the previous script, we have a list of tuples. Each element of the tuple consists of an address (where the call resolution is made) and the Windows API call that is going to be called.
def patch_apicall_wrapper(patches):
total_apis_patched = 0
for item in patches:
# item : (addr, apicall) (e.g (0xCAFEBABE, "kernel32_AddAtomA"))
addr = item[0]
apicall = item[1]
success_patch = patch_apicall(addr, apicall)
if success_patch:
total_apis_patched += 1
except Exception as err:
print('Error patching call: {}'.format(err))
print('Total APIs patched: {}'.format(total_apis_patched))
The function “patch_apicall” is going to be the responsible for retrieving the address of a Windows API call and patching the “call ResolveApiByHash” for the call to the expected export.
One drawback that we may find, is that we cannot resolve the address of an export from a Windows .dll that has not been loaded in the address space from the debugged process yet. To overcome this issue, we can make use of IDA “Appcall” feature. With Appcall we can execute LoadLibraryA to load any missing .dll so that we can resolve all exports just from the Entry Point. (Otherwise, we would have to wait until the malware loads the library for the first time; which would not allow us to automate everything from the Entry Point as we are doing now).
Once we have the address, we need to get the relative offset and then we can use 0xE8 opcode with this relative offset to patch the call “ResolveApiByHash”. Finally, we append two nop instructions after to overwrite the proceeding “call eax”.
def patch_apicall(addr, apicall):
If it cannot be resolved, it is possible that the malware has not loaded the library yet (for example, wininet.dll). In this case, we can force the load of the module using AppCall:
loadlib = Appcall.proto("kernel32_LoadLibraryA", "int __stdcall loadlib(const char *fn);")
hmod = loadlib("wininet.dll")
loadlib = Appcall.proto("kernel32_LoadLibraryA", "int __stdcall loadlib(const char *fn);")
print('apicall: {}'.format(apicall))
apiaddr = idc.LocByName(apicall)
if apiaddr == 0xFFFFFFFF:
hmod = loadlib('{}.dll'.format(apicall.split('_')[0]))
apiaddr = idc.LocByName(apicall)
if apiaddr == 0xFFFFFFFF:
return False
# At this point, apiaddr has the address of the Api call that we want. (e.g 0x772AB880 for wininet_InternetOpenA)
rel_offset = (apiaddr - addr - 5) & 0xFFFFFFFF
idc.PatchDword(addr+1, rel_offset) # Patch “call ResolveApiByHash” -> “call InternetOpenA”
idc.PatchByte(addr+5, 0x90) # patch with nop
idc.PatchByte(addr+6, 0x90) # patch with nop
setup("c:\murmurhash2_hashes_dict.json") # Big Python dict. With hashes and export names
patches = resolve_all_APIs(0x004082D3) # Use address of “ResolveApiByHash”
patch_apicall_wrapper(patches) # Patch the binary
With this implementation, we have now patched all the calls to the real exports that the malware wants to use. However, IDA has now trouble identifying and displaying properly the arguments of the functions in the decompiler view. An example of this can be seen in the following picture:

The last thing to do here is to remove the instructions related with the Windows API call resolution (registry operations used to move the .dll string and the hash). This way the decompiler will show the arguments and everything as expected, while the code will look clean and show only the necessary instructions. This would be the final implementation of the previous “patch_apicall” function:
def patch_apicall(addr, apicall):
If it cannot be resolved, it is possible that the malware has not loaded the library yet (for example, wininet.dll). In this case, we can force the load of the module using AppCall:
loadlib = Appcall.proto("kernel32_LoadLibraryA", "int __stdcall loadlib(const char *fn);")
hmod = loadlib("wininet.dll")
loadlib = Appcall.proto("kernel32_LoadLibraryA", "int __stdcall loadlib(const char *fn);")
print('apicall: {}'.format(apicall))
apiaddr = idc.LocByName(apicall)
if apiaddr == 0xFFFFFFFF:
hmod = loadlib('{}.dll'.format(apicall.split('_')[0]))
apiaddr = idc.LocByName(apicall)
if apiaddr == 0xFFFFFFFF:
return False
# At this point, apiaddr has the address of the Api call that we want. (e.g 0x772AB880 for wininet_InternetOpenA)
rel_offset = (apiaddr - addr - 5) & 0xFFFFFFFF
idc.PatchDword(addr+1, rel_offset) # Patch “call ResolveApiByHash” -> “call InternetOpenA”
idc.PatchByte(addr+5, 0x90) # patch with nop
idc.PatchByte(addr+6, 0x90) # patch with nop
curr_ea = addr
for _ in range(20): # Search maximum the last 20 instructions before the call to ResolveApiByHash
prev_instruction_ea = idc.PrevHead(curr_ea)
instruction = idc.GetDisasm(prev_instruction_ea)
instruction_cut = instruction.replace(' ', '')
if 'movecx' in instruction_cut or \
'movedx' in instruction_cut:
operand_type = idc.GetOpType(prev_instruction_ea, 1)
param = idc.GetOperandValue(prev_instruction_ea, 1)
# Only allow for:
# 1- General Register
# 2- Direct Memory reference (DATA)
# 5- Immediate Value
if operand_type not in [1, 2, 5]:
curr_ea = prev_instruction_ea
if param < 0x10:
if not 'eax' in instruction_cut: # Avoid patching result from previous calls
# This means the operand is a register (1-byte mov operation e.g 8B CE mov ecx, esi)
# NOP the instruction
PatchNops(prev_instruction_ea, 2)
# This means the operand is 4-byte length (e.g B9 D6 3F B0 78 mov ecx, 78B03FD6h)
PatchNops(prev_instruction_ea, 5)
curr_ea = prev_instruction_ea
return True
def PatchNops(addr, size):
for i in range(size):
print("Patching NOP at addr: {}".format(hex(addr+i)))
idc.PatchByte(addr+i, 0x90) #patch with nop
setup("c:\murmurhash2_hashes_dict.json") # Big Python dict. With hashes and export names
patches = resolve_all_APIs(0x004082D3) # Use address of “ResolveApiByHash”
patch_apicall_wrapper(patches) # Patch the binary
With this in place, we can execute the script in a debugging session on Entry Point and remove most of the code related to Windows API call obfuscation while patching the binary to get an equivalent working sample easier to analyze and reverse engineer.
The following figure shows the result of patching the binary with our script:

As we can see, we only have relevant instructions in our disassembly (nop instructions have patched out Windows API call obfuscation scheme). And, as a result, it is easy for IDA decompiler now to understand and properly display the arguments for our Windows API calls in the first attempt:

Here we have the main networking exfiltration routine before applying any of our scripts and after patching the binary. As we can see, the result is a much clear and easy to understand routine:

Strings Obfuscation

LummaC2 “obfuscates” most of the strings used in the malware in order to evade detection. By stripping every occurrence of “edx765” from a given string, we can easily get the original one. Most of these strings are used to walk through sensitive files inside directories.
As it can be seen, the obfuscation method is very simple and for this reason, it is probable that we see changes in this implementation in future versions of the malware.
LummaC2 Workflow
The following diagram shows LummaC2 main workflow. This malware goes straight to the point and only cares about exfiltrating stolen information. No persistence mechanisms are used and there is no control on how many malware instances can run at the same time. One difference regarding many information stealers is that this malware family does not care about the machine being infected, while others avoid infecting machines coming from the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Information Gathering
LummaC2 gathers information from the victim system. This information is saved in a file named “System.txt” prior to zip compression and exfiltration. The information gathered from the infected machine includes the Username, Hardware ID, Screen Resolution and more:

This information is obtained using the following Windows API calls respectively:
- GetComputerNameA
- GetUserNameA
- GetCurrentHwProfileA
- GetSystemMetrics
- GetSystemDefaultLocaleName
- cpuid
- GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory
Steal Important Files
LummaC2 will also steal files from the victim machine and save them under “Important Files/Profile”. What happens to be considered here an “important file” is actually every *.txt file under %userprofile%. This is done in a recursive call that traverses %userprofile% with a maximum recursion depth of 2 directories.

Targeted Software
After gathering information from the infected machine and stealing important files, it proceeds to steal crypto wallets for Binance, Electrum and Ethereum (in this order). Once this is finished it exfiltrates data (ZIP compressed) to the C2 and continues the stealing process.
Crypto Wallets |
Binance |
Electrum |
Ethereum |
After the first exfiltration to the Command and Control server, LummaC2 proceeds to steal relevant Browsers information like Login Data, History, cookies, etc. Affected Browsers are:
Web Browsers |
Chrome |
Chromium |
Edge |
Kometa |
Vivaldi |
Brave-Browser |
Opera Stable |
Opera GX Stable |
Opera Neon |
Mozilla Firefox |
The malware also targets Crypto Wallets and two-factor authentication (2FA) browser extensions that may have been installed in the system. The following figure shows LummaC2 searching for these elements:

The following Crypto Wallets and two-factor authentication (2FA) extensions are targeted in LummaC2:
Crypto Wallet Extensions |
Metamask |
BitApp |
Sollet |
Nash Extension |
TronLink |
iWlt |
Auro |
Hycon Lite Client |
Ronnin Wallet |
Wombat |
Polymesh |
ZilPay |
Binance Chain Wallet |
ICONex |
Coin98 |
Yoroi |
Guild |
Nabox |
Cyano |
Nifty |
Saturn |
Byone |
Math |
NeoLine |
Temple |
OneKey |
Coinbase |
Clover |
TezBox |
Leaf |
Guarda |
Liquality |
DAppPlay |
Terra Station |
BitClip |
Jaxx Liberty |
Keplr |
Steem Keychain |
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Extensions |
Authenticator |
Authy |
EOS Authenticator |
GAuth Authenticator |
Trezor Password Manager |
Network Data Exfiltration
Communication with the Command and Control server is one-way only. The malware does not expect any response from its C2. As we can see from LummaC2 workflow diagram, the malware contacts the C2 in different stealing phases. After each phase, stolen information is sent to the C2 ZIP compressed.

LummaC2 exfiltrates stolen information via HTTP POST request. These requests are made to the resource “/c2sock” and use multipart/form-data (combines one or more sets of data into a single body, separated by boundaries) to upload a compressed ZIP file containing the stolen information along with more information (like the hardware id, obtained previously with GetCurrentHwProfileA). The following figure shows the different set of data sent to the C2:

First field (highlighted one) is the filed with name “file”. This includes the ZIP compressed file with sensitive information being exfiltrated.
The next field with name “hwid” contains the Hardware Id previously retrieved using GetCurrentHwProfileA
The field with name “pid” can be understood as “petition Id”. It is the number of the exfiltration attempt. As we saw earlier in the workflow diagram, LummaC2 can exfiltrate up to 3 different times after each stealing phase. From the analyzed sample, we can only expect to see values 1, 2 or 3, which means that if we detect LummaC2 networking activity with different “petition Id” we will be dealing with a newer/updated version of the malware.
Finally, the last field with name “lid” comes with the hardcoded value “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”. This is known as the “Lumma ID” and it can be understood as an identifier of the malware that may refer to the build or campaign id. This field is also used when gathering system information (in the creation of “System.txt” file being exfiltrated).
Network data being transmitted to the C2 can be recognized in the following figure, where an excerpt of the first HTTP POST exfiltration request (request with “pid” equals 1) using multipart/form-data is sending a ZIP compressed file:

Tactic |
Technique ID |
Technique |
Defense Evasion |
T1140 |
Defense Evasion |
T1027 |
Credential Access |
T1539 |
Credential Access |
T1555 |
Credential Access |
T1552 |
Discovery |
T1083 |
Discovery |
T1082 |
Discovery |
T1033 |
Collection |
T1560 |
Collection |
T1119 |
Collection |
T1005 |
Exfiltration |
T1041 |
Exfiltration |
T1020 |
Command and Control |
T1071 |
Command and Control |
T1132 |
The value of Threat Intelligence
As it has been shown, LummaC2 behaves similar to other information stealers. By capturing sensitive data from infected machines, including business credentials, it can do a lot of damage. For example, compromised credentials can be used to achieve privilege escalation and lateral movement. Compromised business accounts can also be used to send spam and further distribute the malware.
The fact the malware is being actively used in the wild indicates the professionalization in the development of these products. Bad actors are willing to pay for these tools because they prefer quality, and more features. In return, they expect to see more profit from the exfiltrated data. Outpost24’s KrakenLabs will continue to analyze new malware samples as part of our Threat Intelligence solution, which can retrieve compromised credentials in real-time to prevent unauthorized access to your systems.
Want more first-hand threat intel? Get started with Outpost24’s Threat Compass and ensure you receive the latest actionable intelligence from our world-class in-house analyst team.
LummaC2 sample:
- 277d7f450268aeb4e7fe942f70a9df63aa429d703e9400370f0621a438e918bf
LummaC2 Command and Control server:
- 195[.]123[.]226[.]91
“LummaC2 Stealer: A Potent Threat to Crypto Users”, January, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://blog.cyble.com/2023/01/06/lummac2-stealer-a-potent-threat-to-crypto-users/ [Accessed March 20, 2023]
“Popularity spikes for information stealer malware on the dark web”, December, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/blogs/security/information-stealer-malware-on-dark-web [Accessed March 20, 2023]