[EN] How to improve application security with Pentesting as a Service
We explain how to increase your security testing efficiency and reduce risk with pentesting as a service (PTaaS) in Gartner’s latest Hype Circle for Security Operations.
About this talk
Web application testing can take a lot of effort and still not providing the results your business need. In the face of an ever growing digital attack surface and agile release cycles, traditional pen testing is not enough. You need a combination of automated scanning and manual testing, delivered in real time by experienced testers, to ensure continuous coverage and accuracy of vulnerability findings to prevent common exploits. Watch our on-demand webinar where our security expert explains how to increase your security testing efficiency and reduce risk with pentesting as a service (PTaaS) in Gartner’s latest Hype Circle for Security Operations
- Why external web apps are ‘hard’ to secure and ‘easy’ to exploit by hackers
- The most common web application vulnerabilities
- The true cost of penetration testing and how to maximize the value
- How to balance automation with human intelligence for the best testing results
- Identify and fix security weakness faster with continuous testing and access to your pen testers