[EN] State of Cybersecurity in the European Financial Industry – Focus: Germany

In this report, Outpost24’s analysts focus on cyber risks and issues that confront companies in the financial industry in europe and germany.

The financial sector’s attractiveness translates into sophisticated widespread threats looking to compromise companies either through their technological or human infrastructure, or, at a lower
level, through the customer base. With threat actors motivated to seek PII (personally identifiable information), financial account data, and anything else that can be monetized or just looking to disrupt the day-to-day business or gather intelligence and information that favors a privileged position.

In this whitepaper, Outpost24’s analysts
will focus on the issues that confront
companies in the financial industry in europe and germany, offering insight and guidance to meet the challenges they face today:

  • Which cyber threats and threat actors are targeting the financial industry in europe
  • Emerging threats like steganography and AI
  • How geopolitics are shaping the threat landscape
  • How FSIs can manage their threat exposure with a wide range of mitigation strategies